Spend more time on data with faster library prep. Contact us today!

Harnessing the Power of Transposases

seqWell innovation began in 2014 by harnessing the power of tagmentation – the simultaneous fragmenting and tagging (ligating NGS adapter sequences) of DNA – to replace traditional library preparation methods that use complex and lengthy protocols and to increase the power of multiplexing.  Our latest innovations include TnX, an engineered next-generation transposase and high-performance alternative to Tn5, and seqWell directional tagmentation.

seqWell uses a variety of NGS library preparation workflows — from one-step tagmentation & amplification, to single and dual tagmentation, as well as directional tagmentation — to address a variety of needs.

TnX…   don’t be so biased

Engineered for Performance

TnX, seqWell’s next generation transposase and alternative to Tn5, was developed using fit-for-purpose engineering that targeted improvements in 3 key enzyme attributes: activity, insertion bias and robustness.  These improved attributes translate into enhanced sequencing performance by improving NGS data quality and uniformity.

Better transposase, better libraries, better NGS

Reduced insertion site bias

Read start site insertion bias was measured by examining the frequency of bases in the first 9 bases of each read.  Positions with higher per-base nucleotide bias are represented by heights for hyperactive Tn5 and TnX, and illustrate the reduced bias of TnX.

seqWell NGS library prep kit

Products Powered by TnX

  • Tagify Custom-loaded Transposase

    TnX loaded with universal adapters, i5/i7 adapters, UMIs or customer-specified oligos – used for sensitive targeted gene editing QC analysis assays, as well as other custom assays.

  • ExpressPlex 2.0

    Ready-to-use, one-step  library preparation kit for plasmid, amplicon and small genome sequencing

  • MosaiX (early access)

    90-minute library prep using TnX-based directional tagmentation for production of high complexity libraries.

seqWell directional tagmentation…  complexity made simple

The Ease of Tagmentation, with the Performance of Ligation

Combine the workflow simplicity of tagmentation, the reduced insertion bias of TnX, & the performance benefits of ligation and you’ve got seqWell’s directional tagmentation used in our ready-to-use MosaiX kit.   This 90-minute workflow requires less than 35 minutes of hands-on time and produces complex libraries required for population genomics.

Directional Tagmentation Molecular Schematic

Blogs of Interest

PhiRx™: A Color-Balanced Spike-In Control for Improving Demultiplexing on XLEAP-SBS Illumina Sequencing Instruments

Read Article

Short-Read Sequencing vs. Long-Read Sequencing: Which Technology is Right for Your Research?

Read Article

Novel tagmentation-based workflow that improves throughput and scalability of long read assays

Read Article

seqWell™ Library Preparation Kits and Reagents

Our library prep and multiplexing kits are available to support all your short and long-read sequencing applications.  Contact us to find out which is right for you!
