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plexWell™ LP 384
plexWell™ 384
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plexWell™ LP 384
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plexWell™ LP 384 (low-pass whole genome) Highlights:
plexWell NGS multiplexed library generation kit for Illumina®
Assay-ready 96-well fully-skirted low-profile PCR plates (4 x 96)
2,304 (96 x 24) unique barcode combinations
6 sets of 4 pool barcodes – PB Set A, B, C, D, E, or F
* If you need to multiplex more than 2,304 samples, please contact us at
[email protected]
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Same enhanced plexWell workflow engineered for low-pass whole genome library prep and sequencing
Kit contains major reagents necessary to prepare libraries including Magwise™ paramagnetic beads (DNA polymerase not included)
Efficient library prep for more than one 96-well plate of samples
Normalizes input DNA over wide input range of 5-25 ng
Recommended Application:
Low-depth whole genome/GBS coupled with an imputation and analysis software
plexWell™ Library Prep Workflow:
plexWell™ Library Prep Chemistry:
Time-to-prepare a multiplexed library from 96 samples:
Hands-on time: 50 min
Total elapsed time: 3 hrs
Recommended input:
5-25 ng of genomic DNA per sample (n=96)
Expected Results:
Library Yield: 750 – 1500 fmoles of purified multiplexed library
Estimated Duplication Rate: 10% per 10M paired-reads on human gDNA
Substantial normalization: Typically <2.5-fold range (min to max) in read count across all plexWell pools
Compatibility with Illumina® sequencing systems:
Compatible with Illumina MiSeq®, NextSeq®, HiSeq® and NovaSeq® instrument platforms
plexWell™ LP 384 Resources
plexWell Low-pass 384 User Guide
plexWell Kits Master Index List
plexWell Low Pass 384 Library Preparation Kit: Cost-effective high-throughput low pass genotyping
plexWell Low Pass 384 Library Preparation Kit for Microbiome Applications
High-throughput library preparation for low-pass sequence-based genotyping pipelines
Robust, Scalable, Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing for High-Throughput Crop Genotyping
XLEAP Recommended Guidelines
plexWell™ 384