Spend more time on data with faster library prep. Contact us today!

Built-in Normalization = More Cost-effective Sequencing

Discover true multiplexing with plexWell™ technology

  • Simplify your workflow by multiplexing up to 2,304 samples without the need for automation.
  • Skip time consuming normalization steps with built-in auto-normalization.
  • Save money and reduce waste with fewer tips required.

plexWell library prep kits are available for a variety of sequencing applications:

  • Whole microbial and metagenomic sequencing
  • Plasmids and PCR amplicons
  • SARS-CoV-2 sequencing
  • Low pass WGS
  • Single cell RNA-seq

Reach out to seqWell and discover how our technology can accelerate your research.

Learn more about how plexWell technology can maximize your SARS-CoV-2 sequencing effort. Download the App Note today.

The plexWell difference

seqWell’s workflow and reagent engineering approach helps researchers harness the capacity of modern sequencing instruments to accelerate their research at scale.
plexWell workflow saves time and money


plexWell multiplexed libraries vs Nextera

plexWell achieves a significantly better level of multiplexing uniformity for highly multiplex sequencing applications.

At left, sequencing results obtained for sequencing 192 samples of simplified single-cell cDNA with plexWell (blue) and for Nextera™ reagents (gray). Input DNA was pre-normalized, whereas plexWell library was made from un-normalized amplified cDNA. Read count variation for plexWell showed 27% CV versus 71% CV for Nextera.
