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seqWell’s Directional Tagmentation   ...complexity made simple

Directional tagmentation

seqWell Directional Tagmentation

Directional Tagmentation Molecular Schematic

MosaiX 90-minute Workflow

“I’ve been really impressed with the outstanding performance of seqWell’s MosaiX library preparation kit. Directional tagging, driven by their TnX transposase, reliably resulted in libraries with high complexity and uniform coverage that provided for more precise sequencing data.”

– Massimo Delledonne, Professor of Genetics at University of Verona, Italy

The TnX Difference

Reduced insertion site bias

Read start site insertion bias was measured by examining the frequency of bases in the first 9 bases of each read.  Positions with higher per-base nucleotide bias are represented by heights for hyperactive Tn5 and TnX, and illustrate the reduced bias of TnX.

Find out about all the benefits TnX brings to library prep – including enzyme activity and buffer compatibility!

The Performance of Ligation, with the Ease of Tagmentation

Whole Exome Sequencing

Exome metrics at 6 Gb for libraries generated using MosaiX Library Prep were extremely comparable to libraries generated using enzymatic fragmentation followed by ligation.  Additionally, MosaiX Library Prep outperformed bead-linked Tn5 transposition in terms of duplication rate, library complexity (HS Library Size), and % of Zero Coverage Targets – highlighting the TnX performance difference!


Method: 50 ng of NA12878 DNA (Genome in a Bottle) was used for all and libraries were prepared following manufacturers’ user guides. Libraries were then captured using Twist’s Exome 2.0 panel and standard workflow. Sequencing was performed on NextSeq 2000, down-sampled to 6 Gb each, then aligned to Twist exome capture targets on hg38.



TnX finds those missing exome targets!

  • Clinically relevant targets can be missed when using other library preparation methods such as bead-linked tagmentation using Tn5
  • Reduced TnX insertion bias and higher molecular complexity of MosaiX libraries can access difficult regions of the genome that Tn5 transposase cannot.

Whole Genome Sequencing

MosaiX libraries achieve higher coverage compared to libraries prepared with bead-linked Tn5 transposition with the same total PF Gb. Duplication rate is lower and estimated library size is higher for MosaiX, indicating a more complex whole genome library.


Method: 50 ng of NA12878 DNA (Genome in a Bottle) was used in both and libraries were prepared following manufacturers’ user guides. Sequencing was performed on a lane of a NovaSeq X+ 25B flow cell, down-sampled to 105 Gb each, then aligned to hg38.

Interested in becoming a MosaiX early access user?

Email: [email protected]

MosaiX Specifications (Early Access)

MosaiX Specifications
Primary Applications
  • Human whole genome sequencing (WGS)
  • Human whole exome sequencing (WES)
  • Human germline target capture panels
  • Plant & animal WGS and target capture panels
Transposase TnX – Next generation engineered transposase
Sample Input types Genomic DNA
DNA Input Range 50 – 100 ng*
Buffer Compatibility DNA diluted in:
10 mM Tris-HCl, 1X TE, Low TE, or Water
Total Library Prep Time 90 minutes (35 minutes hands-on time)
Mean Output Fragment Size**

Fragment sizes as measured by TapeStation (including adapters)

WGS protocol: 850 bp ± 20%

Target capture protocol: 650 bp ± 20%

Indexing Strategy
  • Any tagmentation-compatible indexing or custom primers can be used
  • 24 or 96 UDI primers can be provided with early access; contact [email protected]
Supported Paired Reads (clusters/sample) ≥400 million
Reactions per Kit 24 or 96
Sequencer Compatibility
  • All Illumina sequencing platforms
  • Compatible with Complete Genomics platforms or Element Biosciences AVITI™ using conversion kits for Illumina libraries

* Contact [email protected] for lower DNA input recommendations
** Fragment size optimized for NovaSeq X Plus

Early Access MosaiX Library Prep Kit Includes:

  • TnX Read 1 Tagging Reagent
  • 5X Reaction Buffer
  • Ligation Enhancer
  • Read 2 Adapter
  • DNA Ligase
  • 2X Amplification Ready Mix
  • MAGwise Paramagnetic Beads
  • Diluent